By supporting us, you give our mission the green light.

Plan it.

We have in-depth conversations with our partner organizations about what their needs are and how we can achieve them.

Film it.

With a plan in place, we provide all of the gear and the knowledge to execute it, ensuring every video project will look and sound its best.

Market it.

A video can’t affect change if no one sees it. We’ll collaborate on social media messaging and can even provide money for ad campaigns.

For more information about how you can support our cause, please contact us directly.

Production Queue

Make a donation.

Imagine a world where even the smallest non-profit has access to high-quality marketing tools, and where communities benefit from stronger local organizations. This vision is not just a dream; it's what we strive for every day at Filmmakers For Good. But we can't do it alone. With your support, we can continue to assist worthy institutions and create lasting change. Together, we can build a brighter future for generations to come. Please consider donating to today and be a part of the transformational impact we're making in the non-profit world.